What Constitutes as a Felony DUI Charge – Discussed by San Diego DUI Defense Lawyer

In California, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is commonly charged as a misdemeanor offense. However, there are certain instances and circumstances that can elevate a misdemeanor driving under the influence charge (DUI) to a felony DUI. The repercussions of such an elevation can result in heavier punishments and an increase in fines. When assessing whether a DUI charge should be a felony or a misdemeanor, the prosecution will determine whether or not there were “aggravating factors” involved. The majority of DUI charges classify as misdemeanors, usually including a first, second or third offense. Although, there are exceptions, regardless of which level of offense it is, that will elevate even a first offense “simple” DUI to a felony.


What Classifies as a Felony DUI and Possible Consequential Punishments

California DUIs are considered to be “priorable” offenses, which means the punishment assigned to the crime increases as the number of offenses increases. DUI offenses are considered within a ten (10) year time frame and may include offenses that occurred out of state yet constitute a DUI in the state of California. If you are convicted of a felony DUI you may be facing harsh sentencing such as sixteen months to three years of prison time, up to $1000 in fines, a four-year driver’s license revocation and an “HTO” (Habitual Traffic Offender) label from the DMV. If serious injury or death resulted from your DUI you may be facing a lifetime prison sentence and qualify for a “strike” on your record, in accordance to California’s Three Strikes law.

According to California law, the following “aggravating factors” may elevate a misdemeanor DUI to a felony DUI:

The DUI incident resulted in injury or death to another
You have 3 or more prior DUI or “wet reckless” convictions within a ten-year period
Your record indicates at least one prior felony DUI conviction

Although the aforementioned factors typically classify a DUI as a felony, the prosecutor may rarely use his or her discretion to classify the first two as misdemeanors. Because of the “wobbling” nature of DUI offenses it is important to fully understand the distinction between what constitutes as a felony or misdemeanor DUI, and to have experienced DUI legal representation.

An Experienced San Diego DUI Defense Lawyer Can Help Minimize Your DUI Charges
San Diego DUI Defense Lawyer Ashby Sorensen understands the DUI laws in California and fights aggressively against the prosecution to ensure his clients receive the best possible outcome.  His years of experience have earned him the ability to skillfully assess the details of your case in order to combat your DUI charges with the best possible defense. Call (858) 999-6921 now for your free consultation with a qualified DUI Defense Lawyer who is dedicated to fighting for your rights.

Criminal Defense Lawyer San Diego, California

Criminal Defense Attorney San Diego
San Diego Criminal Attorney

Mr. Ashby C. Sorensen understanding of criminal law and his skill as a trial lawyer sets him apart and he has been regularly recognized as one of California top up and coming criminal defense lawyer in san diego.

Premiere San Diego Domestic Violence Lawyer

San Diego Domestic Violence Lawyer
San Diego Domestic Violence Lawyer

The Mr.Ashby C. Sorensen is widely regarding as a leading Domestic Violence defense Lawyer in San Diego. The Mr.Ashby C. Sorensen has successfully defended hundreds of people charged with felony and misdemeanor domestic violence offenses in San Diego.

If you or someone you care about is facing a domestic violence charge, the criminal defense attorneys at the Mr.Ashby C. Sorensen can help explain the charges and properly defend against them. We can be reached twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week at (858) 999-6921.

Types of Drug Crimes in San Diego

Drug Lawyer San Diego
                                                        San Diego Drug Lawyer

It is important that you retain representation that can defend your case and help you effectively pursue a favorable outcome in court. At The Law Offices of Ashby C. Sorensen, our San Diego Drug Lawyer are dedicated to providing such excellent representation for our clients, and we have a long history of success in the cases that we have handled in the past. Your situation is important to us, and we can assist you with representation in any of the following drug crime scenarios:

  • Cultivation
    Drug crimes involving children
    Possession with intent to sell
    Prescription drug fraud
    Using prescription drugs for illegal purposes

Choose the Best Theft Lawyer in San Diego

iStock_000024588678_ExtraSmallHave you been charged with theft or stealing?  Are you unsure of what will happen next?  If the answer is yes to either one of these questions, you need to speak to a criminal defense lawyer.  You could be facing fines, possible jail times and a criminal record.  Ashby Sorensen is a San Diego Theft Lawyer with extensive experience defending theft and other theft charges.

San Diego Theft Lawyer Ashby Sorensen is experienced in defending theft charges and can help guide you through the court process to ensure your rights and way of life are protected.  If you or a friend are looking for a criminal lawyer in San Diego to defend a theft or theft case, call us now. (858) 999-6921.

San Diego Drug Lawyer

San Diego Drug Lawyer
                                               San Diego Drug Lawyer

Finding a good san diego drug lawyer with the San Diego Criminal Prosecutorial and San Diego Criminal Defense Experience is rare but Ashby C. Sorensen fits the bill. Ashby C. Sorensen is a San Diego Criminal Lawyer and San Diego DWI/DUI Lawyer who has extensive criminal and DWI /DUI legal expertise ranging from misdemeanor and felony DWI casesto fraud, robbery and drug crimes. Ashby C. Sorensen will always, 24/7, be able to assist any potential client that has been charged with either a San Diego criminal misdemeanor or San Diego criminal felony offense.

Aggressive Representation from an Experienced Defense Attorney in San Diego

Defense Lawyer San Diego
         Defense Lawyer San Diego

There are many stages and steps throughout the process of criminal charges and you will want to be sure you are properly advised and professionally guided throughout them all. As your San Diego Defense Attorney, Ashby Sorensen will gather and discuss your initial arrest reports or investigation with you during your free consultation in order to assess your matter. We will diligently examine what allegedly happened and what did not happen so we can accurately get more information, as we know police reports may not always provide sufficient detail.

Criminal Defense Attorney San Diego

Criminal Defense Attorney San Diego

Perhaps you already have a criminal defense attorney  in san diego, but you are unsure if they are doing all they can for your case. You may be frustrated and unable to reach them and you want and need answers now. Our firm is happy to evaluate your case and advise you on whether or not your attorney is on the right track or you may have better options. Whether your case has been pending for awhile or you want reassurance that your attorney’s strategy is going to result in the best possible outcome for your charges, we are here to help. We have represented thousands of clients, gotten countless charges dropped and decreased punishments and sentencing. We look forward to doing the same for you and your matter.

Why Both Guilty and Innocent People Need a Defense Lawyer in San Diego

San Diego Defense Lawyer
                                             San Diego Defense Lawyer    

Whether or not you are guilty or innocent, everyone who is facing criminal charges can benefit from hiring a qualified defense lawyer. Most innocent people think they can rely on the system and the court to hear their side and have the jury or judge believe them. Unfortunately, that is not always the case.  As such, you do not want to take the risk of being unprepared or unaware of how the system works, and end up losing your freedom as a result. On the other hand, if a person is guilty, they may also be unaware that a defense lawyer can help them battle their charges, help get a reduction, or even get their case dropped. An experienced defense lawyer san diego is more likely to know what constitutes a good “deal” or how to negotiate a lesser charge than the average person.

Domestic Violence Lawyer in San Diego

San Diego Domestic Violence Lawyer
 San Diego Domestic Violence Lawyer

If you have been charged with domestic violence, spousal abuse or domestic battery, you need a san diego domestic violence lawyer who you can trust. It is imperative to have a seasoned attorney who has the experience and knowledge your case needs to ensure your legal rights are protected. Call (858) 999-6921 now to schedule your free consultation or speak with attorney Ashby Sorensen today to learn more about your legal options.