What Is an Expungement in California?

At the Law Offices of Ashby Sorensen, we often hear from people who suffer the misfortune of a criminal conviction many years before. Although these individuals have long since fulfilled their terms of probation, their criminal record comes back to haunt them by derailing a job application, home rental agreement, promotion, or immigration benefits. Some of these individuals hear rumors suggesting that their record can be “expunged,” which allegedly will provide a “clean record.”

While expungement of a criminal conviction can be a valuable form of relief from the burden of a criminal conviction, the scope and nature of relief granted often differs dramatically from the expectations of an individual that petitions for relief. Certainly, expungement is a valuable way to protect your reputation because many employers and landlords now run criminal background check that can be conducted in minutes online. However, San Diego Criminal Defense Attorney Ashby Sorensen provides straight talk about the benefits and limitations of the expungement process in this blog post.

Limitations on Relief from Expungement of a Conviction

The best way to understand expungement is to understand what it is not. An expungement in California does not seal your court criminal record nor does it “erase” an arrest from your rap sheet. A search of your California and FBI criminal history records or court records will still reveal the case though the disposition will show the expungement and dismissal of the charges based on a “not guilty” plea. The conviction also must still be disclosed if you are applying for a state occupational license or a job with the government, but the expungement can increase the chance you obtain the job. However, an expungement is important if you want to obtain a real estate license, teaching credential, security card certificate, or similar state occupational license.

Defense Lawyer

An expungement also cannot provide relief in a number of other situations, such as:

  • Reinstating the right to possess a firearm (with exceptions where a felony is reduced to a misdemeanor prior to expungement)
  • Prevent the conviction from being used as a “prior” in subsequent cases
  • Permit you to regain the ability to hold public office
  • Prevent use of the conviction by DMV for license suspension or revocation matters
  • Grant relief from sex offender registration (Mr. Sorensen might be able to accomplish this with an alternative motion depending on the specific situation)
  • Bar use of the conviction to justify denial or revocation of a government license, permit, or certificate (expungement might be taken into consideration)
  • Prohibit use of the conviction for denial of immigration-related benefits (expungement can improve the situation depending on the circumstances)

Benefits of Expungement of a Criminal Conviction

California law permits expungement of misdemeanors and felonies that could have been charged as misdemeanors (referred to as “wobblers”) with the exception of a few offenses expressly listed by statute as being ineligible for expungement. Despite the limitations indicated above, the expungement process can be an enormous benefit for many people with a criminal record. Once a conviction has been expunged, a current or pending private employer cannot ask about the offense or discriminate against you based on the offense. Further, you can truthfully answer “No” on applications for employment with private employers to the question of whether you have been convicted of the offense. Similarly, you can provide a similar answer when submitting an application for rental housing.

Application Process for Expungement

If you have completed all of your terms of probation without violation, you can petition for expungement. In some cases, our San Diego Expungement Law Firm might also seek to have your probation terminated early if you have fulfilled all the terms and conditions and/or request a felony conviction be reduced to a misdemeanor when pursuing an expungement. Mr. Sorensen can make the appearance for you, so you do not need to return to court for your expungement hearing in most cases.

If you have been denied a job, security clearance, rental housing, occupational license, immigration benefits, or promotion, San Diego criminal defense attorney Ashby Sorensen is committed to assisting people in preventing a criminal conviction from dictating their futures. Call the Law Offices of Ashby Sorensen today at (858) 999-6921 to schedule a free consultation.

The California Offense of Providing a False Information to a Police Officer (PC Section 148.9)

If you are confronted by a police officer during a traffic stop, on the street, or at your home, you might have concerns about how to handle the encounter.  Although a private citizen generally should avoid engaging in a discussion with a police officer, it is never advisable to lie to the police.  Law enforcement authorities have the legal right to stop an individual and inquire further if the officer has “reasonable suspicion” to believe an individual is engaged in criminal activity based on “articulable facts.”  This extremely brief form of interaction, which is referred to as a “Terry Stop,” is based on the landmark ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in Terry v. Ohio. The Terry decision authorizes the officer to request identification and engage in a brief inquiry about an individual’s activities.

If an individual is confronted by a police officer who requests identification, the worst response is to provide false information.  An individual who provides false identification to a police officer, such as a false name or address, can be charged with a misdemeanor offense under Penal Code Section 148.9 (PC 148.9). This provision makes it a criminal offense to knowingly or intentionally represent false identification information to a law enforcement officer with the purpose of evading the obligation to provide proper identification or to circumvent the court process.  The type of false information that usually will amount to a violation under this provision generally includes a fake name, birth certificate, birthdate, or other information that would support a false identity.

defense lawyer

A conviction under California PC 148.9 constitutes a misdemeanor that carries a maximum punishment of up to six months in county jail and substantial fines.  Despite this potentially significant punishment, the judge has considerable discretion to impose a lesser sentence that might not include any jail time depending on the defendant’s prior criminal record and surrounding facts and circumstances.

By way of example, a motorist might be pulled over by an officer who notices the driver weaving between adjacent lanes.  When the officer asks the driver his name, the motorist responds by providing the fictitious name “Bill Smith” because the driver knows he has an outstanding arrest warrant.  These facts might result in an arrest and prosecution for Providing a False Identity under PC 148.9.

Given a slight change in the facts where the motorist who is stopped gives the name of his brother who has no outstanding warrants, the individual might be charged with California Penal Code Section 529 (PC 529) False Impersonation.  This more serious offense involves impersonating another actual living person.  This offense requires a second act beyond the impersonation of another actual person.  This additional act might be signing a notice to appear in court.  An example of this offense might be a girlfriend appearing in a bail bonds office pretending to be the mom of an arrestee to secure bail for her boyfriend by signing the mom’s name.

False impersonation under PC 529 is a “wobbler,” which means that the prosecutor can charge either a felony or misdemeanor depending on the facts or circumstances.  When the offense is charged as a misdemeanor, the offense carries a punishment of up to a year in jail and/or a fine up to $1,000. If the crime is charged as a felony, the offense can carry a punishment of 16 months, 2 years, or 3 years incarceration, and a maximum fine up to $10,000.

If you have been charged with providing false identification or a related offense, our Criminal Defense Lawyer in San Diego provides a passionate defense of those accused of misdemeanors and felonies.  The Law Office of Ashby Sorensen is devoted exclusively to representing individuals charged with criminal offenses.  Call Ashby today at (858) 999-6921 to schedule a free consultation.

California Drug Offense Defenses – Reviewed by a San Diego Drug Lawyer


San Diego Drug Lawyer
San Diego Drug Lawyer

If you are facing charges for the possession or possession for sale of drugs, you need an attorney by your side that will fight for your defense. You have legal rights and the justice system is not always easy to believe your side. San Diego Drug Lawyer Ashby Sorensen is experienced in drug law, and has fought for many individual’s rights and rigorously works for the best possible outcome of his clients. Call (858) 999-6921 today for a free consultation and learn what your options are, and how you can drop or lessen your drug charges.

Criminal Defense Lawyer San Diego, California

Criminal Defense Attorney San Diego
San Diego Criminal Attorney

Mr. Ashby C. Sorensen understanding of criminal law and his skill as a trial lawyer sets him apart and he has been regularly recognized as one of California top up and coming criminal defense lawyer in san diego.

Premiere San Diego Domestic Violence Lawyer

San Diego Domestic Violence Lawyer
San Diego Domestic Violence Lawyer

The Mr.Ashby C. Sorensen is widely regarding as a leading Domestic Violence defense Lawyer in San Diego. The Mr.Ashby C. Sorensen has successfully defended hundreds of people charged with felony and misdemeanor domestic violence offenses in San Diego.

If you or someone you care about is facing a domestic violence charge, the criminal defense attorneys at the Mr.Ashby C. Sorensen can help explain the charges and properly defend against them. We can be reached twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week at (858) 999-6921.

Types of Drug Crimes in San Diego

Drug Lawyer San Diego
                                                        San Diego Drug Lawyer

It is important that you retain representation that can defend your case and help you effectively pursue a favorable outcome in court. At The Law Offices of Ashby C. Sorensen, our San Diego Drug Lawyer are dedicated to providing such excellent representation for our clients, and we have a long history of success in the cases that we have handled in the past. Your situation is important to us, and we can assist you with representation in any of the following drug crime scenarios:

  • Cultivation
    Drug crimes involving children
    Possession with intent to sell
    Prescription drug fraud
    Using prescription drugs for illegal purposes

Choose the Best Theft Lawyer in San Diego

iStock_000024588678_ExtraSmallHave you been charged with theft or stealing?  Are you unsure of what will happen next?  If the answer is yes to either one of these questions, you need to speak to a criminal defense lawyer.  You could be facing fines, possible jail times and a criminal record.  Ashby Sorensen is a San Diego Theft Lawyer with extensive experience defending theft and other theft charges.

San Diego Theft Lawyer Ashby Sorensen is experienced in defending theft charges and can help guide you through the court process to ensure your rights and way of life are protected.  If you or a friend are looking for a criminal lawyer in San Diego to defend a theft or theft case, call us now. (858) 999-6921.

The Difference Between Petty Theft and Grand Theft – Answered by a San Diego Theft Lawyer

San Diego Theft Lawyer
   Theft Lawyer San Diego

If you have been charged with a theft related crime, you need to act quickly and obtain the legal representation you can trust to safeguard your legal rights. The sooner you can work on your defense and retain an experienced San Diego Theft Lawyer, the more confident you can be when facing your charges. Call (858) 999-6921 now to schedule your free consultation or ask Attorney Ashby C. Sorensen any questions you may have about your charges.

San Diego Drug Lawyer

San Diego Drug Lawyer
                                               San Diego Drug Lawyer

Finding a good san diego drug lawyer with the San Diego Criminal Prosecutorial and San Diego Criminal Defense Experience is rare but Ashby C. Sorensen fits the bill. Ashby C. Sorensen is a San Diego Criminal Lawyer and San Diego DWI/DUI Lawyer who has extensive criminal and DWI /DUI legal expertise ranging from misdemeanor and felony DWI casesto fraud, robbery and drug crimes. Ashby C. Sorensen will always, 24/7, be able to assist any potential client that has been charged with either a San Diego criminal misdemeanor or San Diego criminal felony offense.

Aggressive Representation from an Experienced Defense Attorney in San Diego

Defense Lawyer San Diego
         Defense Lawyer San Diego

There are many stages and steps throughout the process of criminal charges and you will want to be sure you are properly advised and professionally guided throughout them all. As your San Diego Defense Attorney, Ashby Sorensen will gather and discuss your initial arrest reports or investigation with you during your free consultation in order to assess your matter. We will diligently examine what allegedly happened and what did not happen so we can accurately get more information, as we know police reports may not always provide sufficient detail.